Meet The Team

East Street Nell
Where Racheal’s sheepdog journey really began. It was a lot of trail and error, mostly error, but we got there in the end. It wasn’t easy and there were tears. But both dog and handler learnt a lot and this knowledge has been used to help with the others.

Reeva is a special girl (also Nick’s favourite) she’s a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (NSDTR) or Toller for short. She came from Northumberland. Bought for agility, sadly covid postponed her start, but now she is excelling and loving her agility classes. She will on occasion herd sheep, but it’s very much on her terms and not something she’s ever been taught. Our guess is growing up with the sheepdogs she’s learned from them, no one has told Reeva that she isn’t a collie. Shh!

Lignum Dice
​The only boy in our kennels currently. He’s a real ladies man, loves a cuddle, definite mummies boy. He came to us at 6 months old. Never known such an easy puppy, settled right away, no chewing or screaming. He just comes and sits quiet with you and behaves beautifully. He’s a one in a million dog, Progressing with his training nicely

Reiver Ros
Bought in from the Isle of Bute. Ros is a very calm and sweet natured girl, very kind to her sheep and super easy to have around in general. Always looking for a fuss whenever she can. Fun fact, she’s full sister to Emma Grays, Gray, who is the father of Nell’s puppies.

Caiomhe Rogue
The first born of Nell’s first litter Rogue is very cheeky and fun. Super sweet natured and taking all of her training on board very quickly. She’s very enjoyable to take to sheep

Caiomhe Fly
​Another of Nell’s puppies, full sister to Rogue, yet so very different in personality. Fly isn’t as confident as Rogue at sheep yet, but she will get there with time. Fly is a really good listener and a super snuggler.